Cementario de la Recoleta May 2013

Today Corrie and I went to the Recoleta Cemetery which I had heard so many good things about. We got a bus to the cemetery and there are free tours but we didn't know how long they were going to be so we decided to walk around by ourselves. I thought that the cemetery was going to be like a normal one with headstones and grass but this was huge with massive mausoleums for several families. Each mausoleum is different, some are made from marble, granite, glass or cement. I think most of the people that are buried in the cemetery were rich or families were wealthy due to the magnitude of the mausoleums. Some are kept well as family members visit and take care of them but others haven't been visited in years so the glass in the door may be broken or rubbish inside the mausoleum. Inside the mausoleum it's quite small with sometimes just the coffin and others have more marble, two levels so stairs and sometimes a table and flowers. Some of the grander mausoleums have statutes ...