Buenos Aires April 2013

Travelling from Bangkok to Buenos Aires is such a trek to say the least. I left Bangkok at 9.20pm and flew to Dubai where I had a 5 hour layover. It was a 6 hour flight to Dubai. Luckily the airport is quite big with lots of shops and eateries so I wasn't that bored. I then boarded my next plane at 6:30am and took off at 7am for my 14 hour flight to Rio De Janeiro. This was the longest flight I have ever been on but I managed to pass the time with naps and Mad Men season 4. By the time we got to Rio I was ridiculously jaded. We waited at Rio for about an hour while they cleaned the plane and changed cabin crew. When I reentered the plane for the 3rd time I just wanted to be in Buenos Aires already. The last leg of journey was 3 hours and by this point I couldn't wait to get off the plane.

After I got through customs and baggage claim I got my airport pick up to my shared house. It was about a 30 minute drive to the house. At the house I was greeted by the housekeeper who showed me my room, kitchen and bathroom. A few minutes later I met some of the other people in the house. Myself and one of the girls (Corrie) went out to get dinner as I was knackered but also hungry. We went to a nearby restaurant and talked about what brought us to Buenos Aires and how long we were staying. After dinner we went back to the house and I had some well needed rest.

Day 1

I'm living in an area of Buenos Aires called Palermo, specifically Palermo Viejo. Palermo is the largest barrio in Buenos Aires and is therefore split into sub barrios e.g. Soho, Hollywood, Viejo. Palermo is known for its leafy areas and parks and is generally a nice barrio to reside in. I woke up and realised I needed some food so went in search for a market. I came a across a few places and got my vegetables, meat, toiletries and dried foods. I made my way back home, made some food then bumped into two of my flat mates. We decided to go to one of the main streets called Santa Fe as Corrie needed to get a phone and I wanted to explore in general.

Buenos Aires has a grid system so it's pretty easy to navigate around. We walked to Santa Fe then to a nearby park. We relaxed in the park for a bit then made our way home not before stopping at a bakery to get empanadas (my new favourite food).

It was the afternoon by this point, after we made it home I Skyped a few people and jet lag came over me and I fell asleep until the early hours.


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