Madrid, March 2018

The next day I headed off at midday for some lunch. We returned to Plaza Mayor and ate at Gustos. I finally got some well needed paella and Sangria of course. There are different types of paella such as traditional seafood, chicken paella, squid ink paella and paella with noodles (weird I know). I settled for the traditional paella which was yummy. We then headed to the Cathdedral which looks very impressive from the outside. Entry is permitted to all anytime apart from on religious holidays. It's a €1 donation and probably the largest cathedral I've been in. Also the only church I've visited that wasn't cold inside and had wifi. The cathedral had the usual stained glass windows, impressive ceilings, pews, worshippers and paintings of Jesus but well worth a visit as it's virtually free. Just around the corner is the palace which reminded me of Versailles. It's pretty grand and ornate. The queue was far too long to comprehend queuing in so I just took a few pho...