Hoi An, September 2017

I left the Bay Hotel at 5:30am for my flight to Hoi An. After we arrived at the airport and I paid the driver was demanding an extra 10,000 Dong/£0.32 for some unknown reason. I think it was some kind of airport surcharge he had to pay but I was so apprehensive of getting ripped off I refused to pay again for something I didn't understand. Combined with the fact the taxi driver didn't speak English he gave up and waived this 'surcharge'. To be honest it was probably legit but considering what happened next I'm glad I didn't give it to him. I headed into the terminal and didn't see my flight on the screen. I quickly realised that I was in the international terminal. I asked where the domestic terminal was. I was told it was downstairs. I followed these instructions but all I found was the arrivals terminal. So headed back upstairs and enquired with someone else. It turns out that the domestic terminal is actually in a DIFFERENT BUILDING and this taxi driv...